Most of us do not watch what we eat every day. Sometimes the food is not fresh and at other times it contains more fat than useful nutrients resulting in high levels of bad cholesterol in our body.

Whether we are overweight or extremely skinny, there is something inside our body that prevents the absorption of essential nutrients and makes us lethargic, stressed out and uncomfortable. If the digestive system is not well, the overall health suffers. That is why it is recommended to cleanse your body of harmful toxins every now and again not just to get rid of conditions like constipation but also to gain other health benefits.

Health experts advise on drinking plain water, lemonade or green tea first thing in the morning to cleanse your system. Detox tea is something that combines the benefits of all the aforementioned drinks. It contains water along with a unique and refreshing blend of certain herbs like lime, green tea, and senna leaf that not only add flavor and aroma to the beverage but also offer many health benefits of their own.

Many people who are overweight suffer from any of the digestive system disorders or more often than not, constipation. Detox tea has been found to be very effective towards chronic constipation. When all other remedies fail to work, you would find this tea to be very refreshing as it does not have any side effects and it cures constipation naturally. Senna leaf is the main ingredient in many of the blends and this leaf is known as a natural laxative. Once the body starts functioning normally when it comes to absorption and excretion of nutrients and fat, the person becomes overall healthy and fit.

Drinking detox tea in the morning is important because it gives you a daily boost for performing everyday activities with zest and enthusiasm. You would notice that you don’t feel lazy anymore and there are no signs and symptoms of weakness, tiredness and fatigue. Such a person is also able to follow any workout plan because it becomes easy to adjust to the new routine. You feel lesser hunger pangs and so you can easily get rid of binge or disordered eating.

Detox tea is particularly recommended to people who suffer from bloating and heartburn especially after having a meal. If you drink detox tea 15 to 20 minutes before every meal, there will not be any bloating, stomach cramps, or heartburn.

Detox tea is good for your overall health and wellness as it purifies your blood, removes toxic substances from it, promotes liver function, and provides you with a youthful glow. That is why you must make it a part of your morning routine and drink a cup of delicious and fulfilling detox tea first thing in the morning even before having breakfast. It will suppress your appetite so that you would only have a healthy meal and spend your day feeling energized and relaxed.

There are many ways to lose weight and if you’re really determined and committed, losing weight is not impossible. One way to start shedding those extra pounds the healthy way is to make detox water drinks at home that serve to detoxify or cleanse the body of harmful toxins and boost metabolism. These are healthy drinks meant for suppressing the appetite and losing weight effectively. If you have decided to use one of these drinks, keep in mind that you would have to drink them at least 3 to 4 times a day. It’s a good idea to keep some healthy and delicious recipes ready so that you don’t get bored of the same bland detox tea or some other drink.

Detox tea or detox water is known around the world for quick weight loss but that doesn’t mean that slim or smart people cannot enjoy them. In fact, everybody needs detoxification every now and again regardless of their weight. Many of these healthy drinks would have diuretic properties so that water could be removed from the system for gaining health benefits. All you are going to need is a few natural ingredients and a blender or pitcher to mix them well.

Detox water is actually prepared by keeping sliced fruits or herbs in water for a few hours before consumption. This allows them to release their useful content into water. People who take medication regularly also need detoxification of their system every now and again in order to feel refreshed and energized.

Below is a list of fruits and herbs that can be combined in various combinations to make a delicious and totally refreshing drink for weight loss:

  • Grapefruit
  • Cucumber
  • Lemon
  • Mint
  • Ginger
  • Orange
  • Blackberry
  • Watermelon
  • Pineapple
  • Raspberry


Mint provides sweetness and cucumber is good for curing inflammation throughout the body. Make sure you don’t add any sugar or salt to keep your drink absolutely healthy.

Lemon is the best ingredient for cleansing and weight loss. Even if there is no other ingredient available, simply combine lemon and mint and drink the detox water all day long for energy, rejuvenation, and calmness. In addition, you may also use apple cedar vinegar for added benefits. All the above mentioned ingredients have rehydrating properties so they can easily replace the soda water or processed fruit juices that we are so much fond of. However, since these drinks contain too much sugar content as well as a good number of calories, they are not recommended to people who want to lose weight quickly.

If you have been overeating for the past few days, it’s time you gave your system a little rest by relying on healthy drinks not just to lose weight but also to cleanse your body of all those harmful toxins that accumulated in your stomach and intestines. Try making these wonderful drinks at home or use detox tea instead to get rid of the culprits, boost your metabolism and shed those extra pounds.

Teatox diet is essentially a diet plan designed to supplement a detox regime with the help of detox tea. Such a product contains natural ingredients that serve to cleanse the body of harmful toxins thereby aiding in detox. The diet plan would consist of healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables or salads and other easy-to-digest and low on calories foods with a lot of water and occasional teatox. How to start a teatox diet is a question many people ask because the difficult step is to make the transition from a sluggish lifestyle to an active one that includes not only regular exercise but also a diet plan that helps in effective and long-term detox.

Starting a diet supplemented with teatox is easy and straight forward. All you have to do is find time to drink coffee (preferably green bean coffee), green tea or detox tea at least three times a day. However, it is important to watch your caffeine intake if you choose to drink coffee because it shouldn’t exceed a specified amount, otherwise undesirable effects would start to occur. In addition, it is recommended to add at least three servings of a fresh or seasonal fruit to your daily diet plan. It is advisable to eat the fruit by itself and not in the form of a smoothie or shake. You can also make a vegetable salad or vegetable soup to suit your taste, which can curb the hunger at the odd times. When it is not time for a full-fledged meal, such a healthy and nutritious side dish can fulfill the purpose of controlling those hunger pangs.

While it is important to drink plenty of water on a daily basis, you must not drink too much with your meals. Too much water will make it difficult to digest food effectively. People who wish to gain weight eat certain protein-rich and starchy foods together. So, those who want to shed those extra pounds must avoid this combination at all costs. This is also an integral part of a teatox diet. You should only eat when you’re hungry or extremely hungry. There is no point in snacking or munching on foods that contribute to unnecessary weight gain. Avoid oily stuff and foods that elevate bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Teatox diet requires you to divide your meals into five or six parts, which each one having only one serving of any food you choose. This is to ensure that you don’t eat a lot in one sitting. It is also advisable to drink coffee or detox tea 15 to 20 minutes before every meal so that it would serve as an appetite suppressant. The tea or coffee would not only aid in cleansing and detoxification, it will also aid in effective detox and help you maintain your weight at an optimal level. So, start a teatox diet from tomorrow and see all these benefits coming to life!

A vegan diet aids in healthy and effective detox as it consists of only plant-derived foods. You can find so many recipes out there that are not only healthy but also delicious and fulfilling. Mostly you will be eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and beans, which are all rich in essential vitamins and minerals and these foods are also beneficial for your overall health in the long run. The idea is to introduce high-fiber and low-fat foods to your daily diet so that you can start feeling fit and healthy and maintain your weight at an optimal level.

There are countless vegan recipes that you can try starting from rich and easy breakfast. The lunch recipes are equally heartening and then come the supper and dinner. Moreover, you can try some super amazing vegan desserts and baked foods as well for satisfying your craving for sugar. Many people like side dishes more than anything else and they will be delighted to know that there are quite a few vegan healthy recipes for them to try out.

Here are a few vegan healthy recipes with total calorie count to help you get started with this extremely useful detox regime:

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili – This quick and highly nutritious recipe is for all those who love black beans. It does not need any fancy ingredients; just the basics. About 2 cups of this delicious meal provides up to 320 calories with 16g of fiber and 13g of protein.

Roasted Pumpkin-Apple Soup – Soups are a great way to curb your appetite and they are definitely healthy when prepared from all plant-derived sources. This one is extremely easy and provides a healthy way of combining two nutritious fruits – pumpkin and apple. About 1 cup of this vegan soup offers 180 calories with 6g fiber and 3g protein.

Strawberry-Rhubarb Strudel – If you haven’t yet tried the strawberry rhubarb combo, it’s time you tasted this wonderful duo. The dessert calls for a bit of baking expertise but if you love to bake it will be a piece of cake. One strudel provides 347 calories and 3g fiber with 4g protein.

Oven Roasted Squash with Garlic and Parsley – Squash is a delicacy of winter and when it is oven roasted, it is ever more delicious and full of healthy calories. Try this side dish and get around 103 calories per ¾ of a cup. The same serving also offers 6g of fiber and 2g of protein.

Wake-up Smoothie – A vegan snack or breakfast can be as useful for detox as any other meal. Try this quick smoothie to receive an energy boost for a long day ahead. You can use raspberries, strawberries, or blackberries for this recipe. One cup of this smoothie offers a total of 139 calories with 4g fiber and 4g protein.

Quick and healthy recipes are what we all need when it comes to a vegetarian diet for maintaining health and staying in shape. Try the above-mentioned recipes at home and combine this amazing diet with a workout regime along with regular green tea for extraordinary results.

There is nothing better than a detox formula that is completely natural and does not have any side effects. Green tea has been found to be extremely effective for shedding those extra pounds without having to waste away by eating nothing for days. If you like the taste of green tea or simply drink it as a beverage regularly, there is no need to take anything else for detox. Yes, it’s as simple as that!

Green tea contains substances like caffeine that aids in effective detox by burning fat. It also contains epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG, which has powerful effects on metabolism. Both these substances are bioactive and contribute to fat burning by activating some essential hormones in the body that help to burn fat effectively. Even if you exercise regularly, you can take green tea to improve the fat burning effects of workout.

There are two types of green tea products available on the market. The first one serves to increase energy levels and suppress appetite. You can take this type of green tea in the morning to have an energetic and enjoyable day without getting tired or lethargic. Moreover, it would reduce your appetite and you will have fewer cravings for your favorite foods that increase weight. The second type is known as detox or cleansing green tea that can be taken at night to cleanse your body.

The purifying property of green tea is very powerful as it not only reduces bloating but also prevents constipation and helps you be in perfect shape. You start feeling good about yourself when you take green tea on a regular basis. Moreover, switching from regular black tea and coffee to green tea helps to stay away from the harmful effects of both these beverages. Green tea is totally harmless and does not cause any side effects at all. That is why it is called the all-natural way of losing weight and maintaining it long term.

Instead of taking fat burning supplements available out there, why not go for green tea that tastes great and can be taken as many times in a day as you want? The best thing is you can get your hands on your favorite flavor when it comes to green tea and enjoy a cup full of richness and divine taste. You will start to look and feel younger and more energetic. Body cleansing is essential for effective and long-term detox so never overlook the importance of this step. When your body is cleansed of harmful toxins, you can relax and have a good night’s sleep to boost metabolism and have clear, flawless complexion.

If you have decided to detox the natural way, try this healthiest beverage known as green tea and found as LeptinTeatox to start seeing its miracles on your body. The product is loaded with beneficial antioxidants that you need on a regular basis to boost metabolism, be fit and healthy, and most of all stay in shape all year round!

Goji berries are bright orange-red berries commonly found China. Across Asia, this fruit has been consumed for its numerous benefits for generations. The goji berries have for ages been used in the treatment of common health complications such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

There are different ways to consume these berries. While some prefer to eat them raw, others will consume them cooked or even dried. Today, the goji berries can be found in some herbal medicines, teas, and wines.

What makes goji berries special is their high nutrition content. These fruits contain:

  • High-quality proteins consisting of all essential amino acids necessary for growth and repair
  • Over 20 different minerals, including calcium, selenium, and iron
  • Vitamins A, B, C and E
  • Extremely high level of antioxidants such as carotenoids beta-carotene as well as  zeaxanthin, which are essential in scavenging free radicals in our bodies protecting the cells from any oxidative stress
  • Rich in essential fatty acids needed help with anti-inflammatory pathways as well as supporting the nervous system.
  • Features polysaccharides, which is a type of a complex carbohydrate renowned for its vast health quality. In fact, most of the fruits and vegetables we eat offer some of these components, although only a few will have such amounts as the goji berries. This is one of the reasons why these berries are quite impressive.

With all the above nutritional components, are goji berries good for you? Discussed below are some of the benefits of goji berries:

  1. Key to a healthy and glowing skin

Goji berries are packed with beta-carotenes which are a natural pigment in plants and that is known to promote healthy skin.

  1. Protects the body

Goji berries are extremely rich in Vitamin C that is proven effective in reducing cold symptoms. Regular consumption of these berries has also been found to protect the eyes while at the same time reducing their ageing process and vision.

  1. Packed with Antioxidants

Just like any other berry, gojis are a rich source of antioxidants. These berries are a great source of antioxidants given their exceptional oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) value.The ORAC value represents the fruit’s antioxidant power. A high level of antioxidants is effective in the removal of potentially harmful oxidising agents.

  1. Detox

Detox is one of the hardest endeavours you will ever undertake. Goji berries are loaded with nutrition that gives you high energy levels. This makes them ideal foods to supplement your detox diet with their rich and irresistible taste. Fitness experts recommend including the goji berries in a protein shake, salad, and snack for the much-needed fibre content. Gojis have a high fibre content that ensures you stay fuller for longer thus fighting binge eating. Goji berries are highly recommended snacks instead of a chocolate bar.

  1. Lower blood pressure

Goji berries are widely believed to help reduce blood pressure while at the same time lowering the blood sugar level thanks to their high concentration of antioxidants and vitamins. For ages, the Chinese have used these berries in the treatment of diabetes among other ailments caused by high blood pressure such as stroke.

With the above benefits in mind, are goji berries good for you? Without a doubt, you stand to benefit by including these berries in your daily diet. Goji barriers are viewed as superfoods as to the numerous health benefits they have to offer. Unfortunately, like most superfoods in the market, goji berries tend to be quite expensive.

10 Superfood ingredients and benefits

Superfoods are fast becoming the go-to foods for every health enthusiast and fitness lover. The habit of including superfoods in the daily diet is getting popular as people turn to healthy eating. People have now discovered that food is not only nourishment but also medicine for the body.

Superfoods seem to have a higher concentration of substances that improve health, boost metabolism and also reverse ageing. You should include them in your daily meals to maintain optimum health.

Amazing Superfoods

–   Wild berries

Many berries contain lots of vitamins and phytonutrients that fight free radical damage in the body. They can improve your overall appearance as well as fight off chronic ailments. Some good examples are wild blueberries, strawberries and raspberries.

–    Green leafy vegetables

In this category, we have kale and spinach because they contain lots of phytonutrients. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals for healthy skin, hair, nails and bone formation.

–    Cruciferous vegetables

In this category, we have cabbage, bok choy, swiss chard and broccoli. These cruciferous vegetables have phytonutrients that suppress the growth of tumours in the body. They also contain a lot of vitamin C that helps boost the body’s immunity.

–    Fibre

In this category, we have oats that not only provide fibre to the body but are also rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium. The fibre content in oats also helps in reduction of cholesterol in the body.

–    Probiotics

Greek yoghurt is a superfood ingredient because of its rich calcium content. Greek yoghurt is great for women because of the high calcium content.  Greek yoghurt also contains lots of protein. Best of all it’s packed with probiotics that promote a healthy gut and also boost immunity.

–    Seeds and nuts

Chia seeds, almonds and pumpkin seeds are some of the best seeds and nuts to include in your list of superfood ingredients. They contain healthy fats and vitamins that improve skin health. They also contain certain minerals that fight off disease-causing free radicals.

–    Healthy fats

Healthy fats from plant oils such as olive oil or coconut oil are great superfood ingredients.  These oils are great for cooking and can also be used in smoothies. They are also useful for beauty regimens in promoting healthy skin and hair.

–     Fatty fish

Fatty fish that are excellent superfood ingredients are salmon. Wild salmon as a superfood ingredient is good for a healthy heart. It is also a great food to include in a healthy detox diet.

–    Chocolate

If you love chocolate, then take dark chocolate regularly as it is a tasty superfood. Make sure it contains at least 70 percent cacao as the darker it is, the better. You can also take the cocoa powder that is organic and has 70 percent cacao content. Cacao contains healthy polyphenols that are great for detox and can also improve the quality of your skin.

–    Green tea and coffee

Green coffee and green tea are great beverages to include in your superfood ingredients list. They are packed with polyphenols because they are not roasted. Hence, green coffee and tea retain a lot of their fat burning and disease-fighting compounds.

Including at least some of these superfood ingredients in each meal will ensure you improve your health and overall appearance.