Harmful toxin build-up in our body can have dire consequences on overall health and well-being. It may cause constipation, decrease our energy level, slow down the process of metabolism, and worst of all make us gain unhealthy weight. One way to get rid of this build-up is to use a detox drink or tea, which contains special natural ingredients known to have lasting effects on a person’s health.

The best thing about detox drinks is that they can be easily prepared at home following simple and easy-to-follow recipes. Here we have chosen 3 best detox tea recipes for you so that you can achieve maximum benefits from this wonder product in the context of detox and improving overall health.

  1. Green tea detox recipe: Did you know that green tea helps to detoxify your body? You can use just about any recipe to make this wonderful tea at home. The best detox tea in our opinion is the one that uses lemongrass, honey, cinnamon, and ginger. Simply boil water and add these ingredients (except honey) in just the right amounts and let them boil for a while. Usually it is required to boil the ingredients for 5 to 10 minutes but not more than that. After it has cooled down, add sugar or honey to taste and enjoy!
  2. Ayurveda detox tea recipe: This one makes use of three very useful ingredients: cumin, coriander seeds, and fennel seeds. Take about equal quantities of all these ingredients and boil them in water. Strain the solution once a desired color has been achieved. Add a pinch of salt, sugar to taste, and a little lemon juice for a savory experience. You can use this detox tea anytime during the day and also to get rid of constipation and diarrhea. It is also good for children who are suffering from bouts of vomiting or loose motions.
  3. Turmeric detox tea recipe: One of the best recipes available out there for preparing a very effective detox tea for detox uses turmeric powder, ginger, lemon, and water. Simply mix ginger and lemon juice (preferably in a juicer if you’re using ginger root instead of powder) and then add turmeric powder. Add this mixture to water and mix well. Add sugar or honey if you want to make it a little sweeter. Some people also like to add cayenne pepper and vanilla stevia for added taste. Use it as it is or enjoy its iced form for more enjoyment.

Choosing the best detox tea recipe depends on your taste and personal liking. There are countless recipes out there both for making simple green tea at home or a more intensive version containing a number of useful ingredients excellent for body detoxification. All these ingredients are easily available at any grocery store and are not very expensive either. Get your hands on these spices and herbs and experience a complete lifestyle change that will completely surprise you especially in the context of long-term detox.

There is a large variety of detox teas available out there and sometimes it becomes difficult to determine which one among them is the best or most effective. While it is best to try a product and then judge its effectiveness, it is a good idea to go for a product with the most satisfied users. However, some other factors like price, flavor, and ingredients might also play a major role in helping you to settle on the best detox tea. Let’s have a look at various options available in the category of detox teas so that you can buy the one that fulfills your selection criteria.

Some detox products contain a high concentration of antioxidants with powerful effects on various organs of the body. This is a good pointer of an effective detox tea; the more antioxidants it contains, the better. Moreover, you should look for ingredients with antibacterial and anti-fungal properties in your detox tea. Many people who are overweight also suffer from digestive problems and disorders like heartburn and indigestion. Some detox products are formulated to get relief from these symptoms in addition to detox and detoxification.

For some people the best detox tea is the one that also has powerful laxative effect. These people suffer from chronic constipation and drinking such a detox tea helps ease the symptoms. Once the waste products are gotten rid of, detox becomes easy and straight forward. Fenugreek tea is one such example that not only tastes good but also has laxative properties. Some teas have been formulated to support liver and gallbladder function, while others target the digestive tract. You should choose the one that would help you gain maximum fitness by treating some of the conditions you might be suffering from.

The best detox tea for you would definitely be the one whose flavor appeals to you. If it doesn’t taste good, you wouldn’t be able to continue its use. It is therefore very important to check out various flavors that these detox teas come in. There are varieties like cayenne pepper, garlic, red clove, ginger, cilantro, and dandelion for the detox tea and you may choose the one that suits your taste buds. Moreover, there are different health benefits of each of these herbs or spices. So, choose the one that not only aids in detox but also offers the benefits you need the most.

Regular detox is necessary for getting rid of all the toxins from the body, staying overall fit and healthy, and shedding those extra pounds that make you fat. Choosing the best detox tea is just a matter of a little research based on your own preferences and a few other markers that make such a product highly rated and extremely effective. Make an informed decision when it comes to detox teas so that you can obtain maximum health benefits while trying to detox.