Detox tea has recently gained widespread popularity all over the world owing to its unlimited benefits in promoting overall health and well-being. As it is clear from the name, the first thing that it accomplishes is detoxification or cleansing. It is the process of removing toxic substances from the body and nourishing it from the inside. The process helps prevent disease, improve immunity, maintain optimal weight, and boost metabolism. One of the best ways to achieve this is to drink detox tea at least 3 to 4 times a day. It is recommended to follow this throughout the year but if you simply want to detoxify without detox, you must do this at least once a year.

Detox tea is prepared from a number of useful herbs in dried form. There is a need to boil all these in water for 5 to 10 minutes so that they can release their useful content into water. The result of this preparation is quite sweet and aromatic, and to some people it is almost irresistible. Once you develop a taste for it, you can even say goodbye to regular tea and coffee; both of which have their side effects. Coffee contains caffeine; too much of which is bad for health. Tea is addictive; once you become used to drinking tea especially in the morning, it’s not easy to quit it without having severe headache, sleepiness, fatigue, and tiredness.

This is undoubtedly one of the most beneficial uses of detox tea; it can replace your regular tea and coffee. After that, it helps in quick, effective and long-term detox. Most detox tea products come with ingredients that serve the purpose of appetite suppressants. Drinking this tea 15 to 20 minutes before every meal helps one to eat less and hence detox over a period of a few months. However, keep in mind that you will have to drink detox tea regularly in order to see some positive results in this context. Drinking it only for a couple of times would not simply do the trick.

It is a good idea to combine your detox diet with a healthy and well-balanced diet to achieve maximum benefits. Dandelion, ginger, burdock, milk thistle and juniper berry all are good for health and these are mostly the herbs detox tea products are prepared from. You can also prepare your own fresh brewed iced tea or honey ginger tea at home to gain all the above-mentioned benefits.

People nowadays suffer from many disorders or conditions that have apparently no cause at all. These include fatigue, constipation, different types of allergies, bloating, heartburn, puffy eyes, sleeplessness, and menstrual irregularity or problems. When you can find absolutely no explanation for any of these conditions, be informed that your body is in need of detoxification. Use your favourite detox tea product available on the market or prepare one at home to effectively cleanse your system and remove all those impurities that might be causing the afore mentioned health issues.

When you want to shed few extra pounds, it is a swell idea to go to the bottom of why you need a teatox diet plan. This will help you make sure that you pursue the ideal plan which will give you long-term and effective results for your keen efforts.

Here are 5 tips for your teatox diet plan:

  1. Hydrate sufficiently – Drink plenty of water. It is necessary to keep hydrated throughout the teatox diet plan. When you drink sufficient volume of water every day, you will help your body in eliminating toxic waste that has got accumulated from food, water and air that you have breathed in. Water is an effective medium to detox. Ideally, you should be drinking half the weight of your body in terms of ounces of water every day. If you weight a hundred pounds, you have to drink fifty ounces of water. It is wiser to carry a bottle of water wherever you go and keep sipping water throughout the day.
  2. Make few changes with your breakfast routine – You can skip the average routine of cereal, eggs and bacon and incline towards a liquid diet that makes it easy for you to digest what you eat in the morning. Protein is to be avoided at breakfast time as it becomes difficult to digest and will also make you feel tired and groggy later on. An ideal breakfast would be to start with a green smoothie that involves spinach, leafy vegetables and kale. You can follow that with a cup of fruits. If that is not enough, you may go for a couple of slices of whole meal bread coated with organic honey. A sliced banana will keep you going until lunch time. Breakfast is the perfect time for a revitalizing cup of teatox.
  3. Lunch suggestion – This meal could include a soup that blends various vegetables with herbs and stock to give you a delicious taste while being low on calories. This could be followed an oven cooked jacket potato with sweet corn and tuna. You can round off lunch with a prawn salad that involves mixed leaves with a dash of olive oil.
  4. Dinner suggestion – Smoked salmon salad would be fine in the evening that involves mixed leaves. Fish is a good source of Omega-3 and it is also valuable for the skin tone. This salad could be followed by a vegetable casserole that includes onions, potatoes, peas, carrots and mushrooms that could be slow cooked with stock. Vegetables could be stir fried and added to olive oil.
  5. Snacking during the day – you may go for a slice of fruit or a fruit smoothie; try a fruit or a natural cereal bar. Hummus with celery sticks or carrots would also be a fine idea along with a small cup of yogurt that is free of fat. Any of these items would be great for your teatox diet.

While you follow this teatox diet plan, you should be aware of how to combine your food during the day. There are some foods that may cause some digestive problems, when consumed together. You have to avoid starchy foods and protein together. For example, you have to avoid potatoes and meat, cereal and milk, bread and cheese and this is contrary to popular belief. You have to try and eat fruit by itself as fruit gets digested by the intestines, and not stomach. If you combine fruit with other types of foods, you may trap fruit in the stomach where it may ferment and give you stomach and digestive problems.

So, go ahead and combine this teatox diet plan and lead a balanced and healthy life.

Teatox diet is essentially a diet plan designed to supplement a detox regime with the help of detox tea. Such a product contains natural ingredients that serve to cleanse the body of harmful toxins thereby aiding in detox. The diet plan would consist of healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables or salads and other easy-to-digest and low on calories foods with a lot of water and occasional teatox. How to start a teatox diet is a question many people ask because the difficult step is to make the transition from a sluggish lifestyle to an active one that includes not only regular exercise but also a diet plan that helps in effective and long-term detox.

Starting a diet supplemented with teatox is easy and straight forward. All you have to do is find time to drink coffee (preferably green bean coffee), green tea or detox tea at least three times a day. However, it is important to watch your caffeine intake if you choose to drink coffee because it shouldn’t exceed a specified amount, otherwise undesirable effects would start to occur. In addition, it is recommended to add at least three servings of a fresh or seasonal fruit to your daily diet plan. It is advisable to eat the fruit by itself and not in the form of a smoothie or shake. You can also make a vegetable salad or vegetable soup to suit your taste, which can curb the hunger at the odd times. When it is not time for a full-fledged meal, such a healthy and nutritious side dish can fulfill the purpose of controlling those hunger pangs.

While it is important to drink plenty of water on a daily basis, you must not drink too much with your meals. Too much water will make it difficult to digest food effectively. People who wish to gain weight eat certain protein-rich and starchy foods together. So, those who want to shed those extra pounds must avoid this combination at all costs. This is also an integral part of a teatox diet. You should only eat when you’re hungry or extremely hungry. There is no point in snacking or munching on foods that contribute to unnecessary weight gain. Avoid oily stuff and foods that elevate bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Teatox diet requires you to divide your meals into five or six parts, which each one having only one serving of any food you choose. This is to ensure that you don’t eat a lot in one sitting. It is also advisable to drink coffee or detox tea 15 to 20 minutes before every meal so that it would serve as an appetite suppressant. The tea or coffee would not only aid in cleansing and detoxification, it will also aid in effective detox and help you maintain your weight at an optimal level. So, start a teatox diet from tomorrow and see all these benefits coming to life!